These stories are Fred’s recollections and reflections about some of the wonderful and talented musicians who welcomed him into their homes and shared their time and talent to teach him and guide him as he explored his mountain heritage. As he completes each story, he will publish them on this section of the website.They will also be annotated with recordings of these people singing, playing tunes, telling stories and more. This year, Jim Cook, President of the Wickenburg Institute for Factual Diversity bestowed upon Fred a PhD from the Institute. Fred now feels even more committed to do his best to uphold the high standards of that institution with each each and every story he tells and writes. Why don’t you start with Fred’s moonshine story, “Who Ere Ye” – read now.

Thanks for your patience as I search through my memories and include fiction with fact in such a way to make them as interesting and alive for you as they always have been for me.

Current Stories

Stories –  Coming Soon

  • Our First Encounter At Cedar Lakes
  • An Aunt Jenny Ghost Story
  • Bean Stringuns’ and Quiltins’
  • Frog Level and Beyond
  • Black-Rasberry Storm Over Big Walker Mountain
  • One Afternoon At Doc Watson’s Home
  • The Japanese Comet
  • Our First Meeting
  • Piping Up The Moon
  • Dry Branch Road
  • Devil Huntin’ In The Boge Chitto Swamp

Family &  Friends

Family History

I don’t even know where to begin. There are so many family stories that I am having trouble sorting them all out. My firend, Lon Austin, told me once that I “ought to get it done.” So, I am. Lon also said last night that I should put a book together of all the songs I do. when I find someone who knows music and can write down all the notes, I will, since I don’t read or write music.

  • Aunt Jenny Wilson
  • John Hilt
  • Franklin W. “Frank” George
  • Doc Watson
  • Burl Farley
  • Warren Green